Recycled Desk Drawer

It has been a while I wanted to post this up, but there was an error on Google Chrome, or WordPress itself, I was not sure.  Anyhow, I am glad I am able to put up all my postings again.

Here, let me introduce this desk drawer that I created out of recycled boxes previously.  I have been using this desk drawer since last year and saved some bucks too.  Just need to collect rectangular boxes that are big enough to turn them into desk drawers.  Also, depends how big you wanna them to be.  Then, all you need to do is to stack them up, and glue them together.  Make a handle for each drawers so it will be easy for you to open them.

Here, preview of what I created, and is still using now.

Stationery Desk Drawer 2 Stationery Desk Drawer 1

Big Bang Easter Sunday

Last Sunday, I had a great time with a great bunch of children.  Together with my paper mache Easter Bunny, we met the children and created Easter eggs.  What has Easter eggs gotta do with Easter Celebration?  Traditionally, Easter eggs supposed to mean “new life”! But today, it is turned into creativity.

For this round’s Easter egg creation, I have decided to use “paste on” method instead of “painting on”.  Paste on will ensure the eggs are still edible after all the designs are done, while for painting on, we need to find the right food colourings, and non-toxic colorings.

Some of the children had dyed a colour base on the eggs using food colorings.  Then, we just gotta punch and cut lots of papers (a mixture of colour and recycled paper) and just paste it on the eggs. Simple & easy!

Colouful Easter Eggs Paper Mache Easter Bunny Happy Children Busy at workA boy's creation

Recycling & Designing! A good Combo

As I am preparing for upcoming Holiday Craft Workshops, which is very much related to recycling, I have come up with few new designs – a combo of recycling trash & and quilling.  I am happy with this concept! Can’t wait for the workshop to begin.

Here, I use recycled office paper to produce the hearts, some cardboard which is about to be thrown away, some old buttons from home… and add it on to my quilling mouses.

A Combo!

Design & Recycle

Design & Recycle